Saturday, March 24, 2007

Who knocked up Miss Jamaica 2006?

Who's that man rubbing his crotch against Sara Lawrence's butt at the 2007 Air Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival? These photos were published on less than three months before the pregnancy was announced. (Is it just me, or is the sight of Sara's right breast just about to fall out of her top a bit gross?)

The ugly man with dark patches around his eyes is "John", a bank teller/band member. I was dubious at first when I got the links to these photos in my e-mail. After all, this guy could be Sara's therapist, her cousin, or even a brother. But apparently, the Jamaica Star spoke with Tina, John's girlfriend/the woman scorned.

I don't know what's worse, that Sara stooped so low as to steal Tina's ugly boyfriend (she might have done you a favour, girl) or that there may be more than one possible father of Sara's child.

Tina, petite, beautiful, 33, but looks like 25, was involved with John, 29, bank teller by day, and member of a band by night, for about a year before she was aware that Sara was in the picture. The women were introduced and she was told by John at the time that Sara was his 'long-time friend.' The saga began last year in December. At that time, Tina was informed by John, her boyfriend at the time, that he had 'cheated on' her with Sara. He asked her to let them 'work it out' and she agreed. By the end of January, she claims she was informed by John, that the beauty queen was pregnant with his child. The nature of their 'friendship' was also made clear by photos she found on the Internet with the two together at Air Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival."

I find it hard to believe that Sara would let John-the-bank-teller breed her. Apparently, the Jamaican public agrees. Here is what they're saying about Sara's vaginal pastimes:

At least 3 men were in Saras life in those few months of her reign, the last one who is also a big old married man, is apparantly the father. Now aint that something,

Saras baby father is a man she recently met, a married man with wife and children. Really for a role model, I find it all too disgusting!!

She was sleeping with [Micky Haughton-James] even during the contest, these prim and proper christian girls are the best!
An anonymous source (thank you very much!) sent me the links to the photos of John. It is alleged that this is the father of Sara's baby. However, from what I've been reading so far, just about any conscious, breathing, virile male could be the father. It's bizarre, don't you think?

At the time Sara announced her pregnancy, she was 12 weeks pregnant. Count back 12 weeks from March 15, 2007 and she just got pregnant a week or two before this photo was taken. Is it possible that Sara Lawrence, Miss Jamaica World, 2006, was sleeping with several men at the same time and doesn't know who her baby's father is?

What does Tatler mean by " we're giving thanks that you- know-who is not the father. I mean third strike!!!" Who is "you-know-who"?

I hope everyone is satisfied with at least one face. It would be nice to see a few others, so we can have a shortlist of candidates and maybe a competition as to who is the most eligible to pay child support for the next 21 years.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Sara Lawrence - Got Milked? Another Jamaican Whodunnit

It seems that Sara Lawrence, Miss Jamaica World 2006 got exactly what she was looking for from the beauty pageant, albeit a little prematurely.

I wasn't there when she conceived the child, but I do know that contraceptives fail when you need them most. As a mother myself, who's had an extremely active sex life before marriage, I have to point out a few things:

1. Pregancies should be planned. This is so that the child is brought up in a loving environment by parents who are emotionally ready and financially capable of taking care of their children. Anything can go wrong in a pregnancy, and even well-prepared women end up spending a long time in post-natal care because of things that go wrong. I don't support the romantic notion of parents' struggle and hardship being good for the child in the long run. That's a load of BS.

2. Sara is an educated young woman so she should know that she doesn't need to have a baby to validate herself as a woman. Perhaps Charlotte Church's decision to announce her pregnancy (March 1, 2007) had some unexpected effects? Perhaps Sara felt that she would not receive a great deal of criticism from the public? Well, she is no Charlotte Church. Charlotte is a talented multi-millionaire, who is known for her rebellious, wild anti-role model behaviour. She was rich before she hit adolescence. She also has a career path laid out for her. Charlotte doesn't actually need a man to support her child. In fact, she doesn't need to go to school to get a good job to support a future family. Beauty pageants are about sexual competition among women. What are they competing for? A mate with the excellent combination of good looks and a never-ending stream of cash to support babies and a trophy wife's lifestyle. Obviously, her search for a good mate took priority over her own ability to support herself economically. (And, she found a virile one).

3. Age 22/23 is far too young for a woman to be having babies in our modern society. Unless Sara has a very very large trust fund, she should just enjoy delayed adulthood.

4. Sara is EXTREMELY lucky because whereas she got a baby, she might have been infected with a host of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including HIV, instead. Why are young women so stupid?

5. I agree that she was irresponsible. Not because she got pregnant, but because of the timing and because she knew that she had obligations to fulfil. I don't think she would have planned for her pregnancy to coincide with her social and contractual obligations as a beauty queen. So, we assume that the pregnancy is not planned. If she was smart enough to put her studies at medical school on hold to fulfil the obligations of her reign, then she could have done the same for pregnancy. I don't see how winning a beauty pageant helps someone to graduate medical school. I doubt she would have had time for sex if she were busy cramming for exams.

6. I agree with Tamara Scott-Williams that the father of the child might be somewhat of a nincompoop. What kind of man allows his woman to face public criticism on her own? He doesn't need his privacy, although I'm sure that a lot of people know who he is. He needs to show that he is proud to be a father, enter the public view, and stand by her. This is one man who needs a plan. I hope he isn't "careless" or, god forbid, married.

I have always been against the Jamaican Beauty Pageant scene as pure hypocrisy when it comes to sex, especially given the stories I've heard of Lesbians going into semi-retirement to secure their crowns. Or other contestants who demand thousands of dollars from men just to go out on one date (false hair, massage, nails, dress and shoes). I don't know what Sara's level of emotional maturity is, but this incident should show us that young Jamaican women need role models who have done well for themselves over the course of a career or lifespan.

Sara's parents apparently approved of her decision to participate in the pageant. So, they shouldn't be criticising her now. As parents what they said in their public statement about her was also irresponsible. This is no time to be creating a rift with their daughter, who is emotionally vulnerable. Or, maybe they were hoping for a more well-heeled suitor? If the baby's father were Bill Gates or the Sultan of Brunei, we wouldn't have heard a peep out of Sara's parents.

This "young role model" thing just doesn't work. Do we really want more Jamaican young women to agree to have unprotected sex with their lovers because Sara Lawrence did it? "It's not that bad. She didn't get AIDS". How do you know that? I don't think that Sara's decision to have her baby is bad or good. It's just her choice.

However, she dragged the Jamaican Public into a discussion of her sex life by publishing a statement about her pregnancy on the World Wide Web. How could we not comment on the issue?