Thursday, August 04, 2005

Cave man?

Today something really embarrassing happened to me, and I want to write it down here before I dismiss it as a mere flight of fancy.

I was visiting a client today and as I was wrapping up my meeting, I noticed a very beautiful German boy (tall, lanky, looks just like JFK Jr.) talking with some friends right across from me. I didn't stare at him, but we exchanged a momentary glance that of course didn't mean anything.

Anyway, the boss of my client must have seen this because he got up from his desk and distracted me from looking at the German hottie by asking me about my next visit.

He actually walked across the room and around me so that I had to turn around and face the wall away from Herr Hottie. Since he stood in front of me without saying anything, I asked him if he would miss me. (He said he would).

Finally, my client came to the rescue and I bid her and everyone farewell as I was leaving.

That was a rather embarrassing incident, as I can't remember the last time someone acted like a caveman for my sake.

My client's boss has never expressed romantic interest in me, but he did mention this week that I am "eye candy". I don't know if he's available, but he's cute.

I wonder what I would do if he came up to me and made a love proposal?


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