Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Conservative blogging

I got slightly annoyed yesterday when I was reading some "blogging advice" from the web's famous bloggers. Notably, most of them are from the US, a culture with an interesting study in contrasts.

Most talk a good conservative game, but their behaviour doesn't match up. For example, it's not okay to talk about your sex life on your blog, but it's perfectly okay for married men to solicit sexual services online, or for couples to leave copies of Forum or Playboy around the house when they have young kids.

I don't see anyone breathing down their necks. Probably I should make a list for them, to balance accounts.

Okay, so now we have to follow rules about blogging? Not that I intend to become dooced like Heather Armstrong, but there really is no fun in writing about bland topics like what someone said about what someone else said regarding what someone else said about US politics on someone else's news blog.

I went down the entire list of mandates before rolling my eyes. I mean, I don't want to have my hobby writing regulated. That's way too much pressure, to come up with the "right" topics, and then it becomes a job. I have a job, and that is heavily regulated. I have hobbies that are heavily regulated. I just need some chaos to restore the balance, or I'll fucking implode.

Oh, I'm not supposed to use swear words or else it will be a turn-off.

Is it necessary to write to become a famous blogger? There are enough websites for everyone, and there are many famous bloggers, so I think it's perfectly okay for me not to desire that attention. That said, I'm not good at following advice unless I really need it.

Oh, and this whiny post is also on the list of things NOT to do.



Blogger Mad Bull said...

Actually, I agree with you on this. All those so called "A-list" bloggers who think they are the cats pajamas can go fug themself, IMHO...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005  
Blogger Alice B. said...

I totally agree with you about the referenced article. After reading the first featured blogger's advice, I started puking and had to leave the page. Americans LOVE these kinds of impossible bulleted lists that just give you a headache.

(Hi MadBull!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005  

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