Friday, November 04, 2005

Dream spillage

Last night, I had an erotic dream about a middle-aged male colleague with wobbly legs, buck teeth and an ill-advised combover. I wouldn't normally find him attractive because he's always with male friends, and he boasts about treating his wife like crap. This was not a person I speak to on a regular basis, and he usually seems distressed when he has to speak to me. So I was shocked when he appeared in my dream...

In the dream we were lying together on the same bed, in a dormirtory full of other undesirable men. He looked into my eyes with the most seductive look a guy with a combover could muster, rolled me on my side and had intercourse with me very quietly--no grunting.

I remember thinking, "where are the contraceptives". (My erotic dreams always get interrupted over contraceptives, as if you could get an STD in your sleep). The sex didn't feel bad at all, but it was over in a millisecond. Then, when he rolled off me, suddenly all the men in the room threw off their blankets and rushed for the door, as if they were awakened by an alarm. I remember feeling embarrassed that people were waiting for us to finish having sex before getting up.

The dream wasn't the problem.

The most bizarre thing happened this morning. Mr. Combover made a presentation at my first meeting, and while I was looking casually in his direction, he intentionally gives me this knowing look that said: "you slut". It was the same look I saw in my dream! He had this silly, taunting grin every time our eyes met. Needless to say, I had a guilty look on my face all morning. I was so paranoid! What the hell was going on?

I've never had an affair with a colleague before, but I imagine that this is how people feel the morning after an unscheduled sexual encounter. Uneasy, embarrassed and unable to look at each other.

I'm glad it didn't actually happen.


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